
Explore Generator

Generator generates all the CRUD code based on the migrated table structure. It follows convention over configuration principle, so it is very simple to use for a typical use case. So instead of using a god-powerful tool that can do anything, with the generator you quickly scaffold all the common stuff, so you can focus on all the details each module differs from each other.

Supported types

Generator supports these Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint types in your migrations:

  • string
  • text
  • date
  • datetime
  • time
  • boolean
  • jsonb

{primary} You can use any other type in your migration, but it will be treated exactly like it is a string type.

{warning} Note that jsonb type has special meaning.

Generated files

Generator creates these new files:

  • a model class
  • a controller class
  • an index view template with respective resources (blades, js)
  • create and edit view templates with respective resources (blades, js)
  • index, store, update and destroy request classes
  • a default permissions migration
  • (optionally) an export class

On addition it also:

  • appends a new factory
  • appends admin routes into a web routes file
  • appends a new menu item

Form generators

Generator automatically generates the create and edit forms for a specified model reflecting all its attributes.

Generator supports these form elements:

  • input text (for any string or any other type not specified in this list)
  • textearea (for any text)
  • wysiwyg (when attribute name is one of: text, body, description)
  • date (for any date)
  • datetime (for any datetime)
  • time (for any time)
  • number (for any number)
  • translatable column (for any jsonb)
  • checkbox (for any boolean)

Primary key and other system attributes (i.e. created_at, updated_at, ...) are excluded from the forms.

Listing generator

Generator automatically generates the CRUD listing with search ability. Listing includes all the attributes except:

  • attributes of text type
  • attributes of jsonb type when the attributes name is one of: perex, text or body
  • password attribute
  • system attributes (i.e. created_at, updated_at, ...)

If attribute of boolean type has a name one of: enabled, activated or is_published, then it will be automatically generated as a switch element.

All the text and string attributes are by default searchable.


For security reasons generator generates a routes that are protected with 4 different abilities defined in the generated request classes:

  • admin.model-name.index
  • admin.model-name.create
  • admin.model-name.edit
  • admin.model-name.destroy

Craftable automatically generates also migration introducing these abilities as migrations and assign them to the default Administrator role.


Generator generates validation rules for store and update request classes. Attribute types are reflecting standard Laravel's validation rules.

Not setting nullable on attribute makes the attribute required on store request and sometimes on update request.

Attribute named email gets a proper email validation rule.


Generator provides --with-export option that provides the ability to export data as .xlsx. Generator generates a [ModelName]Export class within App/Export directory that provides several options (i.e. attributes to export, formatting, etc.). For more information see the documentation of Laravel Excel.

User detail tooltip

If you specify columns as shown below in your migration, Generator will generate whole CRUD including user-detail-tooltip component in your listing.



If your migration contains published_at column as shown below, Generator will generate whole CRUD including ability to publish instance of your model in listing. Generator will also generate user friendly two col form.


Publishing in listing example

Two col form example

Bulk actions

By default Generator will generate bulk delete action in listing. If you want to disable this feature just use --without-bulk option.

Bulk actions

Fake data

Generator provides --seed option that enables you to populate the table with fake data using just generated factory.

Add an Attribute

Unfortunately, generator does not provide an option to add new attribute once the CRUD was generated. But you can always regenerate entire CRUD using --force option:

php artisan admin:generate --force posts

{warning} We strongly recommend to backup your code before forced regeneration.

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes generator provides several commands, the building blocks of the generator:

  • admin:generate:model Generate a model class
  • admin:generate:controller Generate a controller class
  • admin:generate:index Generate an index view template
  • admin:generate:form Generate create and edit view templates
  • admin:generate:factory Append a new factory
  • admin:generate:routes Append admin routes into a web routes file
  • admin:generate:request:index Generate an Index request class
  • admin:generate:request:store Generate a Store request class
  • admin:generate:request:update Generate an Update request class
  • admin:generate:request:destroy Generate a Destroy request class
  • admin:generate:permissions Generate a default permissions migration

Typically, you don't want to use any of these commands, you just want to generate the whole CRUD interface with all the stuff using:

  • admin:generate Scaffold complete CRUD admin interface

which basically runs all the commands above in one run.