This is the guide to upgrade your Craftable app from 2.x to 3.0, where we've made changes in coreui template, assets folder structure, admin-auth ...
Craftable v 3.0 is mostly created for Laravel 5.7, so we changed our admin asset structure to follow structure in Laravel 5.7. To maintain Craftable 3.0 to be backwards compatible, it could happen, than your local/frontend assets are still in resources/assets/
folder. That is totally OK, however we recommend to move also your frontend structure to Laravel 5.7 structure.
1. Increase version number of "brackets/craftable"
in composer.json
to ^3.0
and run composer update
2. Increase version number of "craftable"
in package.json
to ^2.0
and run npm install
3. In app/Models/User.php
and replace for
4. Run composer install
to auto discover new packages, because previous composer update should fail
5. Rename config/admin-auth.php
to config/admin-auth.php.bak
6. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Brackets\AdminAuth\AdminAuthServiceProvider"
7. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Brackets\AdminAuth\Activation\Providers\ActivationServiceProvider" --tag=config
8. Copy your custom changes to admin-auth from config/admin-auth.php.bak
to config/admin-auth.php
and delete config/admin-auth.php.bak
9. Make changes to config/auth.php
as follows:
To guards
key add
To providers
key add
To passwords
key add
10. Make changes to config/admin-auth.php
in key defaults
, change to:
11. Search in your files for config key admin-auth.activations.enabled
and replace all occurrences to admin-auth.activation_enabled
The key is mostly in:
12. Search in your files for use of use Brackets\AdminAuth\Facades\Activation;
and replace all occurrences to use Brackets\AdminAuth\Activation\Facades\Activation;
The key is mostly in:
13. Run php artisan migrate
14. Go to resources/assets/admin/scss/vendor/_index.scss
and change
15. Go to resources/assets/admin/js/admin.js
and change
16. In resources/views/admin/layout/sidebar.blade.php
and insert
after ending </nav>
tag. Then add class nav-icon
to every sidebar icon.
17. In all generated files in resource/views/admin
and add class table-listing
, so the result is
18. Rename resources/views/vendor/mail/html/themes/default.css
to resources/views/vendor/mail/html/themes/default.css.bak
19. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Brackets\AdminUI\AdminUIServiceProvider" --tag=views
20. Copy your custom changes to mail css from resources/views/vendor/mail/html/themes/default.css.bak
to resources/views/vendor/mail/html/themes/default.css
and delete resources/views/vendor/mail/html/themes/default.css.bak
21. Change these lines in webpack.mix.js
22. Rename resources/assets/admin/scss/app.scss
into admin.scss
23. Make a new folder, named admin
inside resources/js
and move everything from resources/assets/admin/js
in there.
24. Make a new folder, named admin
inside resources/sass
and move everything from resources/assets/admin/scss
in there.
25. You can now delete the old legacy resources/assets/admin
and public/build
folders (unless you've got there some custom code)
26. (Optional) If you are using Laravel 5.6 or older, now you will have a new asset structure for admin and old structure for our frontend assets. You can make similar steps to steps 21. - 25. for frontend. But this is not required.
27. Run php artisan view:clear
28. Run npm run dev
29. enjoy :)
Craftable now supports three Laravel versions at the same time 5.5 (latest LTS), 5.6 and 5.7. You can of course upgrade your existing Craftable application based on Laravel 5.6 to use Laravel 5.7. You just need to follow the official upgrade guide to Laravel 5.7 and that's it.
Craftable now supports both latest Laravel (currently 5.6) and latest LTS Laravel (currently 5.5). You can of course upgrade your existing Craftable application based on Laravel 5.5 to use Laravel 5.6. You just need to follow the official upgrade guide to Laravel 5.6 and that's it.
This is the guide to upgrade your Craftable app from 1.x to 2.0, where we've made multiple frontend tweaks, mostly under the hood. Estimated Upgrade Time: ~15 minutes
1. Increase version number of "brackets/craftable"
in composer.json
to ^2.0
2. Run composer update
3. Remove unnecessary lines from webpack.mix.js
to look like this:
Of course, feel free to add/keep your own custom code.
4. You can remove following dependencies from package.json
and replace them with "craftable": "^1.0.0"
. Then run npm install
5. In 2.0 we have made a complete overhaul of frontend dependencies and folder structure. The new frontend admin structure in resources/assets/admin
looks like this:
You can download the zip from here. Backup your resources/assets/admin
folder and replace it with the one provided in the zip.
6. If you've got any custom admin css, then place it into the newly created resources/assets/admin/scss/styles/index.scss
file. Of course, you can structurize your sass more.
7. Move all your generated components from backed up admin folder into resources/assets/admin/js
and link to them in resources/assets/admin/js/index.js
8. components
folder was changed into app-components
, so rename imports in your generated components accordingly - e.g:
9. Don't forget to move any custom code from backed up admin
folder, e.g in admin.js
or bootstrap.js
10. Replace logo in resources/views/admin/layout/logo.blade.php
with the new one:
All set!