Build administration
interfaces at ease
Craftable is a Laravel-based open-source toolkit for building administration interfaces. It ships with powerful CRUD generator to speed up the development of your CMS, CRM or other back-office system.
Get started Live Demo
Our Blogs
Download the Craftable Installer via composer with
composer global require brackets/craftable-installer
Once downloaded, you can create a new project using:
$ cd blog
$ craftable install
Our approach
We believe that minimalism ensures higher flexibility when executing your ideas. That's why Craftable, by default, ships only with two ready-to-use-after-install features: authorization and User CRUD. Furthermore, it bundles variety of UI components and PHP packages, accelerating the following development of your administration interface.
Live DemoCRUD generator
You can quickly start building your CRUD interfaces for your existing models using powerful CRUD
generator command:
admin:generate <table_name>.
Modern UI
Craftable provides a responsive UI based on Bootstrap 4 and CoreUI
CRUD generator
Quickly scaffold an administration CRUD based on your existing database structure
Add to your existing Laravel project or create a new one using Craftable installer
Auth module
Authentication, Forgot password, Remember me, Activation, My profile & User CRUD
Translation manager
Search & manage all localized static text (even with only one language)
Media Library
Associate media with Eloquent models using nice drag'n'drop media uploader
Permissions & Roles
Attach permissions and/or roles to Users and authorize the actions
Make your Eloquent translatable and localize all of your content to the defined languages
Craftable comes with straightforward, up-to-date documentation